Iron Danger Clé Steam

Iron Danger

Iron Danger est un jeu de combat tactique intégrant une mécanique de manipulation temporelle unique. C'est une combinaison jamais vue qui unit la complexité stratégique des jeux au tour par tour au dynamisme haletant des jeux en temps réel.

Windows PC  RPG (Jeu de Rôle)
19,99€ -10% 17,99€ Retour à la boutique

23 Succès Steam

First Shard
First Shard

You found the first Shard poking through your chest.

Death is Merely a Setback
Death is Merely a Setback

Die 100 times.

Mushroom Forager
Mushroom Forager

Collect 30 mushrooms.

Found the Healer
Found the Healer

Second Shard
Second Shard

Third Shard
Third Shard

Fourth Shard
Fourth Shard

Fifth Shard
Fifth Shard

Finished Iron Danger
Finished Iron Danger

Berry Nice
Berry Nice

Collect 20 berries.

Keyu Exterminator
Keyu Exterminator

Kill 30 keyus.

Champion of Kalevala
Champion of Kalevala

Defeat 100 enemies.

Avian Veterinarian
Avian Veterinarian

Bird Butcherer
Bird Butcherer

Tastes Like Chicken
Tastes Like Chicken

Eat roosterfish roasted over campfire.

Ring of Fire!
Ring of Fire!

Natural Selection
Natural Selection

Big Fish
Big Fish

Kill the alpha Roosterfish in the temple under Rimfeden.


Take a troll into the Northlander camp.

Good Stew
Good Stew

Find and read the recipe in Kalevala.

Green Thumb
Green Thumb

Grow stealth grass 20 times.

Troll Hunter
Troll Hunter

Hunt down and slay all of the trolls in Bleakshore.

Knock, Knock!
Knock, Knock!

Destroy all three gates leading into the Northlander camp.

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