Laissez libre cours à votre créativité et construisez l’hôtel de vos rêves ! Lancez-vous dans une expérience inoubliable de rénovation et de décoration et transformez un hôtel délabré en destination lucrative.
When you're at the bottom, the only way is up. You got your first star!
You've unlocked the second star! Keep up the good work.
You're making a name for yourself. You unlocked the third star.
There's no stopping you, is there? The fourth star unlocked!
Fith star unlocked! How does it feel to own a 5-star hotel?
You've rented your first five rooms, congrats!
Occupancy limit reached! You've rented every room in your hotel.
Wow, you've beaten the hen in a game of dice. What an achievement.
You've unlocked every skill, almighty one.
You've picked a name for your hotel
Made your first money from tips.