Bienvenue dans le Far West comme vous ne l'avez jamais vu. Quand une série d'événements tragiques contraint un homme assoiffé de vengeance à affronter les forces surnaturelles du chaos, il doit traquer et exterminer sans pitié.
Complete the Aspirton Bank Robbery in "As Good as Dead" before demons arrive.
Complete "Law & Order" having committed at most 2 massacres.
Complete "Graveyard Shift" without anyone being hungry at any time.
Fully develop two technological domains during "Method in Madness".
Complete "In Gold We Trust" with no more than 50 peons dead.
Kill Joaquim Perez with the Cañón Calavera.
Complete "As Good as Dead".
Complete "Law & Order".
Complete "Graveyard Shift".
Complete "A Matter of Time".
Complete "Method in Madness".
Complete "In Gold We Trust".
Complete "Hard Times".
Establish Warren's new world order.
Restore order in the Weird West.
Complete all Scenarios.
Complete a single Scenario on Hard difficulty, with both Ironman and Injuries enabled.
Complete every Scenario on Hard, every Scenario with Injuries and every Scenario with Ironman enabled.
Use Equalization in the first combat turn, then complete the mission without raising your characters' Hit Points with items.
Unlock all Trinkets in the game.
Complete any tactical encounter without firing weapons other than the Rusty Peashooter.
Complete any tactical encounter firing sure shots (100% Chance to Hit) exclusively.
Use at least 30 different characters during tactical encounters throughout the game.
Kill 10 enemies with blind shots (no line of sight)
Complete any tactical mission without firing a shot.
Use 25 different usable items at least once.
Kill an enemy with a bullet ricocheting off at least 3 different objects.
Kill a demon while your character is in demon form.
Assemble the Five of a Kind hand.
Kill an enemy in the very first action in a tactical encounter.
Complete 'Scars of Freedom'.
Complete any of the 'Golem' hands on a character and complete at least one combat encounter with that character.
Complete the train assault with just Libertee and Phineas in your posse.
Win a liver in a game of dice.
Collect at least 75 Ether from enemies fallen in one combat encounter.