Goblins of Elderstone propose une touche unique et chaotique aux jeux de gestion urbaine: c'est une simulation de tribu de gobelins! Construisez des petites bicoques gobelines, gérez vos ressources, défendez vos gobelins et développez votre tribu pour affronter d'autres races et même des divinités!
Maintain a Happy village for one full cycle of Seasons with at least 50 Population.
Don't let any goblins freeze to death during the first Winter.
Don't let any goblins freeze to death during the second Winter.
Don't let any goblins freeze to death during the third Winter.
Construct every building in the game.
Upgrade the Grand Hall and at least 1 Storage, 1 Guard Tower, and 1 Warren.
Reach 100 Faith with Iridin.
Reach 100 Faith with Copperface.
Reach 100 Faith with Moonghast.
Reach 100 Faith with Warjoy.
Reach 100 Faith with Goldentongue.
Reach 100 Faith with Furymane.
Reach 100 Faith with Silverfey.
Reach 100 Faith with Sagerite.
Form an Alliance with a Human Civilization.
Form an Alliance with an Elven Civilization.
Form an Alliance with a Dwarven Civilization.
Form an Alliance with an Orcish Civilization.
Prevent any Undead from spawning during Winter.
Kill the Skeleton King.
Defeat an Enemy Warband.
Perform a Successful Scout trek on every hex in a Small map.
Perform a Successful Scout trek on every hex in a Medium map.
Perform a Successful Scout trek on every hex in a Large map.
Build 1 Butcher.
Gain a Shiny.
Accumulate at least 200 Gold.
Accumulate at least 350 Gold.
Accumulate at least 600 Gold.
Accumulate at least 1000 Gold.
Reach 40 Population.
Reach 60 Population.
Reach 80 Population.
Reach 16 Years.
Reach 24 Years.
Reach 40 Years.
Reach 56 Years.
Reach 80 Years.
Build 2 Guard Towers.
Have at least 50 Walkways in the village.
Clear 10 Corpses.