Qu'est-ce qui est rose et collant ? Nous ne parlons pas de chewing-gum, mais bien d'une armée extraterrestre aux soldats aussi innombrables que menaçants. Armez-vous jusqu'aux dents et mâchez menu ces guimauves de l'espace avec votre escouade !
Complete the From Space mission
Complete the Operation Groundwork mission
Complete the Operation Downed Dragonfly mission
Complete the Operation Lightning Obelisk mission
Complete the Operation Turtle and Hare mission
Complete the Operation Spiders' Nest mission
Complete the Operation Tunnel Rat mission
Complete the Operation Electric Honeycomb mission
Destroy the Power Plant Energy Harvester
Destroy the Suburbs Energy Harvester
Destroy the City Center Energy Harvester
Destroy the Central Station Harvester
Destroy the Research Lab Energy Harvester
Have a full squad of scientists
Have a full squad of co-op players
Complete the Operation into the unknown mission
Reach specialist level 10
Reach specialist level 20
Reach specialist level 30
Extract from every map in the resistance mode
Complete a mission on the highest difficulty, while completing all objectives in the resistance mode.
Rank up your player profile
Reach the max player rank in the resistance mode.
You have gained a level in the resistance mode.
Unlock a new character in the resistance mode
Research a weapon, item and perk in the resistance mode
Destroy all incubators in Hatchery
Complete all objectives types at least once
Complete the Clear Skies mission
Complete the Hedron Energy Project mission
Complete the Diamond in the muck mission
Complete the The Mammoth Gem mission
Complete the The Kraken's Prism mission
Defeat Endless wave level 10
Defeat Endless wave level 25
Defeat Endless wave level 50
Defeat Endless wave level 100