Frank and Drake Clé Steam

Frank and Drake

Frank et Drake est une fable gothique moderne qui place les joueurs au cœur d'un mystère surnaturel à travers ses chemins de ramification non linéaires, ses mini-jeux, ses énigmes et son art rotoscopique unique. Prenez votre temps, explorez l’univers du jeu et imprégnez-vous de chacun de ses mots.

Windows PC  Aventure / Arcade & Indie
11,99€ -10% 10,79€ Retour à la boutique

23 Succès Steam

Hey Drake
Hey Drake

Write a sticky note to Drake

Hi Frank
Hi Frank

Write a sticky note to Frank


Lower Frank’s anxiety level

The Good Neighbour
The Good Neighbour

Share electricity with the neighbours

Memory training
Memory training

Complete a full round of memory card game

Life in color
Life in color

Play around with the kaleidoscope

Pump it up!
Pump it up!

Prepare mattress for Drake

Spinning the wheel
Spinning the wheel

Fix stationary bike

Movie watcher
Movie watcher

Use popcorn machine

Complete word search
Complete word search

Find a word


Take a selfie as Drake

Dennis the pig
Dennis the pig

Meet Dennis the pig

Revisit your own words
Revisit your own words

Enter the Pillow Reader room


Collect all flyers
Collect all flyers

Find all the flyers of Oriole City

Collect all silent movie cards
Collect all silent movie cards

Find all the silent movie cards in the game

The hobos
The hobos

Summon all hobos

Ending 1
Ending 1

Ending 2
Ending 2

Ending 3
Ending 3

Ending 4
Ending 4

Ending 5
Ending 5

Ending 6
Ending 6

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  • Succès Steam
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