Un jeu de stratégie combinant le combat au tour par tour de XCOM et l'exploration des maps qui a fait le succès d'HOMM. Construisez des villes, collectez des artefacts, améliorez vos héros et modifiez votre environnement grâce au moteur physique !
Defeat Gharzan Crunchybones, the world-renowned Kazoo player and amateur ominous last speech maker.
Finish Act I
Defeat Galilarn, an outspoken opponent of mattresses.
Finish Act II
Save an unappreciative ally.
Finish Act III on Normal or higher
Finish Act III on Classic or higher
Finish Act III on Legendary
Win a Skirmish with every faction.
Knock down a tree.
Push\Pull 10 objects or units using physics abilities.
Kill 10 enemies by knocking down objects on them using physics abilities.
Stun or kill 2 enemies by pushing them into each other using a single basic physics ability.
Stun or kill 4 enemies by pushing them into each other using a single basic physics ability.
Kill three enemies using a single basic physics ability.
Cause a physics chain reaction involving at least 6 units or objects, using a single basic physics ability.
Stun all enemies (minimum 4) in a single turn.
Cancel an enemy Overwatch.
Stun an enemy for three turns consecutively.
Heal an enemy by pushing a healing urn into it.
Push a potion into a unit (friendly or enemy).
Trigger Attack of Opportunity during your turn using Lift or Physics 10 times.
Trigger Overwatch by using lift on an enemy behind full cover.
Use lift on an enemy\object, then push it into something.
Trigger Overwatch or Attack of Opportunity twice using a single Frighten.
Level up a unit to max level.
Have a hero with 3 cross-class skills