Fantasy General II Clé Steam

Fantasy General II

Fantasy General II est la réinvention du classique des jeux de stratégie des années 90! Une fois de plus, les armées s’affrontent sur les terres ravagées par la guerre de Keldonia. Une nouvelle génération de chefs de guerre mettra sa bravoure et son sens tactique à l’épreuve. Le wargame médiéval-...

Windows PC  Stratégie
33,99€ -71% 9,99€ Retour à la boutique

77 Succès Steam

1 Up
1 Up

Level up any unit.


Reach max level with a normal unit.

Fabled Hero
Fabled Hero

Reach max level with a hero.

The First Raid
The First Raid

Through the Woods
Through the Woods

The Thing
The Thing

Ship Ahoy!
Ship Ahoy!

There and Back Again
There and Back Again


Kill 20 enemies with the same unit.

With a Little Help from my Friends
With a Little Help from my Friends

Hire a mercenary.

Arm Up
Arm Up

Upgrade a unit.


Kill a unit with an ambush.


Kill a unit that is attacking you.

Let's Call It a Draw
Let's Call It a Draw

Two units kill each other during an attack.

Close Call
Close Call

Survive an attack with 1 HP left.

Efficient Magic
Efficient Magic

Attack a unit with magic that has reached 0 morale.

Rock beats Scissors
Rock beats Scissors

Attack a fortified unit with a siege attack.

Peekaboo, I See You
Peekaboo, I See You

Reveal a hidden ambusher without being ambushed.

New Identity
New Identity

Rename a unit.


Loot an artefact from a killed enemy.


Make an enemy unit surrender.


Make an enemy hero flee.

Invasion Warrior
Invasion Warrior

Complete "Invasion" campaign on easy or harder.

Invasion Hero
Invasion Hero

Complete "Invasion" campaign on normal or harder.

Invasion General
Invasion General

Complete "Invasion" campaign on hard or harder.


Save a charmed unit by releasing the charm.

The Right to Bear Arms
The Right to Bear Arms

Winging It
Winging It

Against All Odds
Against All Odds

Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is Power

Spent your first skill point.

Five-second Rule!
Five-second Rule!

The Right to Arm Bears
The Right to Arm Bears

Upgrade a unit to Werebears.


Complete "Invasion" campaign on Legend difficulty.

Invasion Veteran
Invasion Veteran

Complete "Invasion" campaign on challenging or harder.

Iron Maiden Invasion
Iron Maiden Invasion

Complete "Invasion" campaign in Iron Maiden mode.

Spirit Talker
Spirit Talker

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Ailsa.

High King
High King

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Falirson.

Mercenary King
Mercenary King

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Relkar.

So Good They're Ill-eagle
So Good They're Ill-eagle

Onslaught Warrior
Onslaught Warrior

Complete "The Amulet of Power" on Easy or harder.

Onslaught Hero
Onslaught Hero

Complete "The Amulet of Power" on Normal or harder.

Onslaught Veteran
Onslaught Veteran

Complete "The Amulet of Power" on Challenging or harder.

Onslaught General
Onslaught General

Complete "The Amulet of Power" on Hard or harder.

Onslaught LEGEND!
Onslaught LEGEND!

Complete "The Amulet of Power" on Very Hard.

Transmute This!
Transmute This!

Broken Charm
Broken Charm

Forbidden Knowledge
Forbidden Knowledge

Getting Your Feet Wet
Getting Your Feet Wet

Pumping Iron
Pumping Iron

Train the same unit 5 times.

Imperial General
Imperial General

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Filos.

Curse Veteran
Curse Veteran

Complete "The Curse" on Veteran or harder.

Curse Legend
Curse Legend

Complete "The Curse" on Very Hard.

Transmuter Adept
Transmuter Adept

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Moira.

Imperial Princess
Imperial Princess

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Marcra.


Champion of Shadows
Champion of Shadows

Champion of Light
Champion of Light

Empire Aflame Warrior
Empire Aflame Warrior

Complete "Empire Aflame" on Easy or harder.

Empire Aflame Hero
Empire Aflame Hero

Complete "Empire Aflame" on Normal or harder.

Empire Aflame Veteran
Empire Aflame Veteran

Complete "Empire Aflame" on Challenging or harder.

Empire Aflame General
Empire Aflame General

Complete "Empire Aflame" on Hard or harder.

Empire Aflame Legend
Empire Aflame Legend

Complete "Empire Aflame" on Legend difficulty.

Iron Maiden Empire Aflame
Iron Maiden Empire Aflame

Complete "Empire Aflame" in Iron Maiden mode.

Evolution Warrior
Evolution Warrior

Complete "Evolution" on Easy or harder.

Evolution Hero
Evolution Hero

Complete "Evolution" on Normal or harder.

Evolution Veteran
Evolution Veteran

Complete "Evolution" on Challenging or harder.

Evolution General
Evolution General

Complete "Evolution" on Hard or harder.

Evolution Legend
Evolution Legend

Complete "Evolution" on Legend difficulty.

Iron Maiden Evolution
Iron Maiden Evolution

Complete "Evolution" in Iron Maiden mode.

Scourge of the Swamps
Scourge of the Swamps

Complete an Onslaught campaign with Szzlag.

Filleting the Fishmonger
Filleting the Fishmonger


Crushing Wavan
Crushing Wavan

Cracking Yig
Cracking Yig

Top of the Food Chain
Top of the Food Chain

I'm tougher than I look!
I'm tougher than I look!


Complete an Onslaught campaign with the Hunter.

  • Un joueur
  • Multijoueur
  • Multijoueur en ligne
  • Succès Steam
  • Cartes à échanger Steam
  • Steam Cloud
  • Éditeur de niveau inclus