Vous êtes un forgeron dans le monde de l'épée, de la magie et de la guerre, dans lequel tout forgeron qui sait fabriquer des épées les plus simples est en demande.
Complete tutorial stage
Sell Iron Sword
Sell Copper Sword
Sell Titan Sword
Sell Tungsten Sword
Sell Mithril Sword
Sell Elandoor Sword
Sell Silver Sword
Sell Gold Sword
Sell a sword for more than 10,000
Dig up 100 pieces of ground
Dig up 1000 pieces of ground
Boil a magic sword in the cauldron
Boil a magic staff in the cauldron
Raise the highest 16 level of your character
Make the sword with 4 elements
Get perfect damascus
Open royal castle location
Become the top 1 blacksmith
Get 50`000 reputation
Get 100`000 reputation