Lové au cœur d'une terre immense et fertile, un paisible hameau du nom d'Etria va voir son destin bouleversé suite à une découverte des plus singulières. Dans la forêt aux portes d'Etria, une faille gigantesque s'est ouverte, telle une gueule béante vers le centre de la terre. Ainsi commence notr...
Obtained all other achievements.
Defeated the boss of the Sixth Stratum on Expert difficulty.
Defeated an Yggdrasil Bud, Yggdrasil Sprout, and Yggdrasil Clover.
Retired an adventurer.
Let an adventurer rest.
Unlocked the Hexer class.
Unlocked the Ronin class.
Obtained more than 250,000 Ental.
Completed the quest "The bandit's treasure".
Dealt 1,000 damage with a single hit.
Defeated a boss in a single turn.
Defeated the Wyrm.
Defeated the Drake.
Defeated the Dragon.