L'histoire des coulisses d'EDF 4.1 se dévoile ici. La série EDF est de retour avec de nouveaux sentiments de désespoir et de satisfaction de tuer des insectes en vous frayant un chemin à travers des essaims interminables d'insectes géants dans un shoot'em up à défilement vertical !

Windows PC  Action
16,79€ -10% 15,11€ Retour à la boutique

50 Succès Steam

Training Wings - Easy
Training Wings - Easy

Clear Mission 1 on Easy Difficulty

Through the Dark - Easy
Through the Dark - Easy

Clear Mission 2 on Easy Difficulty

They Can Fly?! - Easy
They Can Fly?! - Easy

Clear Mission 3 on Easy Difficulty

Search & Destroy- Easy
Search & Destroy- Easy

Clear Mission 4 on Easy Difficulty

Clear the Skies - Easy
Clear the Skies - Easy

Clear Mission 5 on Easy Difficult

For Humanity - Easy
For Humanity - Easy

Clear Mission 6 on Easy Difficulty

Training Wings - Normal
Training Wings - Normal

Clear Mission 1 on Normal Difficulty

Through the Dark - Normal
Through the Dark - Normal

Clear Mission 2 on Normal Difficulty

They Can Fly?! - Normal
They Can Fly?! - Normal

Clear Mission 3 on Normal Difficulty

Search & Destroy- Normal
Search & Destroy- Normal

Clear Mission 4 on Normal Difficulty

Clear the Skies - Normal
Clear the Skies - Normal

Clear Mission 5 on Normal Difficulty

For Humanity - Normal
For Humanity - Normal

Clear Mission 6 on Normal Difficulty

Training Wings - Hard
Training Wings - Hard

Clear Mission 1 on Hard Difficulty

Through the Dark - Hard
Through the Dark - Hard

Clear Mission 2 on Hard Difficulty

They Can Fly? - Hard
They Can Fly? - Hard

Clear Mission 3 on Hard Difficulty

Search & Destroy- Hard
Search & Destroy- Hard

Clear Mission 4 on Hard Difficulty

Clear the Skies - Hard
Clear the Skies - Hard

Clear Mission 5 on Hard Difficulty

For Humanity - Hard
For Humanity - Hard

Clear Mission 6 on Hard Difficulty

Training Wings - Hardest
Training Wings - Hardest

Clear Mission 1 on Hardest Difficulty

Through the Dark - Hardest
Through the Dark - Hardest

Clear Mission 2 on Hardest Difficulty

They Can Fly?! - Hardest
They Can Fly?! - Hardest

Clear Mission 3 on Hardest Difficulty

Search & Destroy- Hardest
Search & Destroy- Hardest

Clear Mission 4 on Hardest Difficulty

Clear the Skies - Hardest
Clear the Skies - Hardest

Clear Mission 5 on Hardest Difficulty

For Humanity - Hardest
For Humanity - Hardest

Clear Mission 6 on Hardest Difficulty

Training Wings - Inferno
Training Wings - Inferno

Clear Mission 1 on Inferno Difficulty

Through the Dark - Inferno
Through the Dark - Inferno

Clear Mission 2 on Inferno Difficulty

They Can Fly?! - Inferno
They Can Fly?! - Inferno

Clear Mission 3 on Inferno Difficulty

Search & Destroy- Inferno
Search & Destroy- Inferno

Clear Mission 4 on Inferno Difficulty

Clear the Skies - Inferno
Clear the Skies - Inferno

Clear Mission 5 on Inferno Difficulty

For Humanity - Inferno
For Humanity - Inferno

Clear Mission 6 on Inferno Difficulty

Just Getting Started
Just Getting Started

Clear all 6 missions on Easy Difficulty

Normal? No Problem!
Normal? No Problem!

Clear all 6 missions on Normal Difficulty

Hero of Hard Mode
Hero of Hard Mode

Clear all 6 missions on Hard Difficulty

What Do You Mean It Gets Harder?!
What Do You Mean It Gets Harder?!

Clear all 6 missions on Hardest Difficulty

Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace

Clear all 6 missions on Inferno Difficulty

Extra Mission 1
Extra Mission 1

Extra Mission 2
Extra Mission 2

Extra Mission 3
Extra Mission 3

Extra Mission 4
Extra Mission 4

Extra Mission 5
Extra Mission 5

Extra Mission 6
Extra Mission 6

Seen it All
Seen it All

Getting Tough
Getting Tough

Obtain 150 Armor

How Can You Still Fly?!
How Can You Still Fly?!

Obtain 200 Armor

Combo Creator
Combo Creator

Get a 1000 combo

Combo Expert
Combo Expert

Get a 2000 combo

Weapon Hobbyist
Weapon Hobbyist

Obtain 10% of all weapons

Weapon Collector
Weapon Collector

Obtain 50% of all weapons

Weapon Enthusiast
Weapon Enthusiast

Obtain 80% of all weapons

Weapon Master
Weapon Master

Obtain 100% of all weapons

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