Livrez des batailles exaltantes en tant que héros sans nom des Trois Royaumes.
Unlocked all achievements in the game.
Completely restored peace to every region.
Completed all missions.
Completed all requests.
Completed all training.
Unlocked all waymarks.
Acquired a Musou Rage.
Acquired all skills from the skill panels between Knight-Errant Rank and Musou Rank.
Collected 100 pyroxene.
Reforged the traits of a weapon.
Fully upgraded a weapon.
Obtained all weapons.
Obtained all accessories.
Obtained all horses.
Led a unit of 30 or more soldiers.
Reached the maximum Bond Lv. with an officer.
Reached the maximum Bond Lv. with all officers.
Unlocked all stories and records.
Defeated 200,000 enemies.
Defeated 1,000 enemies in a single battle.
Won 30 skirmishes.
Won 10 duels.
Mastered a battle art.
Used every battle art.
Attained dramatic success with a tactic.
Used 10 different tactics.
Rescued an officer 50 times.
Executed 10 Battle Art Chains.
Won a battle with 9 different types of weapon.
Won battles with 9 different companions.