Incarnez les meilleurs agents secrets du monde dans ce jeu multijoueur de camouflage social et de subterfuge. Déguisez-vous en n'importe qui pour vous fondre dans la foule, déployez des gadgets high-tech pour prendre le dessus et extrayez le paquet avant la concurrence!
Complete the tutorial
Reach Account level 20
Obtain a cumulative Mastery level of 10
Obtain a cumulative Mastery level of 20
Obtain a cumulative Mastery level of 40
Obtain a cumulative Mastery level of 60
Obtain a cumulative Mastery level of 80
Steal the Package from the Vault
Disable your first Vault Terminal
Call the Extraction to every possible spot in one match
Revive a fallen Ally
Get all the Keycards in a single match
Obtain all your Field Upgrades in a single match
Deactivate all three Vault terminals yourself
In Team Mode, win a match while being the last Agent alive in your team
Win a match for the first time
Win 10 matches
Win 50 matches
Retrieve the Package from the Vault while disguised as a VIP
Apply an Ink on a weapon or gadget
Equip a new Costume on your Agent
Equip a new Profile Portrait
Equip a new Title
Get your first K.O.
Use the Empowered NavMode for the first time
Customize your Field Upgrades
Win a match in Operation Hard Sell
Win a match in Operation Silver Reef
Win a match in Operation Diamond Spire
Win a match in Operation Fragrant Shore