Bienvenue dans votre Café à bestioles ! Sauvez et tissez des liens avec d'adorables bestioles qui ont besoin de votre aide et fondez un nouveau foyer ensemble. Concevez et dirigez votre café, prenez soin de vos bestioles, percez les secrets de portails mystérieux et créez un café convivial.
Rescued Mogbert from the portal
Rescued 5 critters
Rescued 15 critters
Rescued 25 critters
Rescued all critters
Reached Café level 10
Reached Café level 20
Reached Café level 30
Reached Café level 40
Reached Café level 50
Unlocked the hammer
Unlocked the boomerang
Unlocked the wing clips
Decorated your Café
Decorated your habitat
Visited Emerald Bay
Visited Frostwood Pines
Collected 5 blueprints
Collected 15 blueprints
Collected all blueprints
Served 50 customers
Completed 25 bookings
Reach max bond and trigger the “Best Friends” cutscene with every critter.
Upgraded your hammer
Upgraded your boomerang
Upgraded your wing clips
Reach max bond and trigger the “Best Friends” cutscene with a critter.
Unlock all the café mini-games