Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Digital Bundle comprend : Le jeu de base, un costume de Dracula en armure, un costume de Dracula sombre et un pack de runes reliques.
Complete the game at Prince of Darkness difficulty
Complete all the Reminiscences of Sapphire challenges
Complete all the Recollections of Ruby challenges
Complete all the Reminders of Amethyst challenges
Complete all the Memories of Emerald challenges
Complete all of the Kleidos challenges
Complete all of the Kleidos challenges at Prince of Darkness difficulty
Recover 30 Void Gems
Recover 30 Chaos Gems
Recover 30 Life Gems
Recover all the Void, Chaos and Life gems
Recover all the upgrades for the Relics
Collect all of the art
Acquire a skill
Acquire all of the Shadow Whip skills and upgrades
Acquire all of the Void Sword skills and upgrades
Acquire all of the Chaos Claws skills and upgrades
Acquire all of the skills and upgrades
Buy an item at the Chupacabras' shop
Spend a total of 20000 Experience Points at the Chupacabras' shop
Increase the Mastery Level of a weapon
Increase the Mastery Level of the Shadow Whip to the maximum
Increase the Mastery Level of the Void Sword to the maximum
Increase the Mastery Level of the Chaos Claws to the maximum
Increase the Mastery Level of all weapons to the maximum
Cook a chicken in the old style
Gain a total of 10000 Experience Points
Gain a total of 50000 Experience Points
Gain a total of 100000 Experience Points
Complete 110% of the game
Complete Revelations at Prince of Darkness difficulty
Find all the Secret Boxes and Soldiers' Diaries in Revelations
Collect all the artwork in Revelations
Acquire all the Crissaegrim's combat skills and upgrades in Revelations
Increase the Mastery Level of the Crissaegrim to the maximum in Revelations
Kill an enemy with the Ballroom's saw in Revelations
Find those annoying characters from Alucard's past in Revelations