Construisez et gérez un camp d'été en difficulté pour lui redonner sa gloire d'antan ! Chaque été, enseignez aux nouveaux campeurs des activités comme la pêche, le tir à l'arc et bien plus encore, tout en les protégeant des dangers naturels et surnaturels. Faites en sorte que les campeurs soient ...
Unlock all Evidence for Hooper's Mystery Museum.
Catch every kind of fish.
Catch every kind of bug.
Capture every ghost on film.
Find every kind of plant.
Dig up every kind of rock.
Capture every Cryptid on film.
Capture every kind of wildlife on film.
Fill out the entire Collection Guide.
Repair a broken bridge.
Discover a dead body.
Reach max level in all Skills.
Complete a Donation Request.
Complete all Donation Requests.
Repair every broken ramp and bridge.
Achieve a two star rating. Better than one at least!
Achieve a three star rating. Reach the lofty heights of average.
Achieve a four star rating! Mom would be proud.
Achieve a five star rating and restore the camp to its former glory.
Stop a bully in progress.
Witness a mysterious light whisk away a camper.
Stop an abduction in progress.
Help a camper unlock their first Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Hiking Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Fishing Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Chopping Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Bug Catching Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Exploration Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Mining Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Foraging Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Flower Picking Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Digging badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Stargazing Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Archery Badge.
Only WHO can stop forest fires?
Burn a marshmallow.
Stay up until 5AM.
Get knocked out.
Make a deal with The Jack.
Eat a poison berry or mushroom. Do you just eat everything you find?
Place 50 Structures.
Help a camper earn a max-level Spirit Photography Badge.
Help a camper earn a max-level Wildlife Photography Badge.
Help open Hooper's Mystery Museum.