Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Standard Edition Battle.net (Direct)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Standard Edition

L'enjeu n'a jamais été aussi élevé: dans cet épisode palpitant, les joueurs incarnent des agents chevronnés des forces spéciales impliqués dans un conflit menaçant l'équilibre du pouvoir à l'échelle mondiale.

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Gamesplanet Avatar
Disintegratory Wall 1 0

i have installed the full game without buy the game. Why? this is my question. In my account i have the game (last game 23 sept. beta) and i have download the game like if i have. If i buy on GP the game and this don't start?

Gamesplanet Avatar
PatatorGP Team 1 0
@Disintegratory Wall

you may have downloaded some files to play the beta but the full game is not activated and you're not allowed to play right ? So yes you need to activate a paid game and this is what you can do by purchasing on Gamesplanet. See how it works here : https://us.gamesplanet.com/support/23-activations/271-activation-with-battle-net-direct

Gamesplanet Avatar
Disintegratory Wall 1 0

yes, i have downloaded the full game but i don't play because i don't have activated the game obviously because i don't buy the game. But i have scare if i buy the game on Gamesplanet and this don't start because i have a ""bug"" on my account because i don't understand how it is possible that i downloaded the game.

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PatatorGP Team 1 0
@Disintegratory Wall

Don't be scared, we will find out anyway if any bug

Gamesplanet Avatar
Disintegratory Wall 1 0 (Modifié)


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LucskaGP Team 1 0
@Disintegratory Wall

We had a few cases of people who participated in the beta being able to download the game but not play it. In any case, by purchasing from us you'll get access to the full version of the game. And we can help you if there's an issue.


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