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Before I Forget Clé Steam

Before I Forget

Une exploration narrative dans un monde où les souvenirs s'effacent et se mélangent en permanence. Un jeu sur la démence et ce qui arrive lorsqu'une personne n'est plus en mesure de se raccrocher aux choses qu'elle a faites ni aux personnes qu'elle a aimées.

Windows PCApple MacLinux  Arcade & Indie
6,59€ -10% 5,93€ Retour à la boutique

10 Succès Steam

Now I remember
Now I remember

Reach the end of the game.

From there to Andromeda
From there to Andromeda

Reach the end of the Starmap stargazing scene.

Show me one with a story
Show me one with a story

Reach the end of the Telescope stargazing scene.

So many good friends
So many good friends

Reach the end of the 1970s Flashback scene.

I want to know all the stars
I want to know all the stars

Reach the end of the Teacup stargazing scene.

Always one step ahead
Always one step ahead

Find all the musical interludes.

We stole a moment in San Francisco
We stole a moment in San Francisco

Find all the photos of Sunita and Dylan.

We always need more peaches
We always need more peaches

Find the tinned peaches.

Just a short note
Just a short note

Read all the letters, cards and emails.

That piece about the stars
That piece about the stars

Find all the pages of the sheet music.

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