"Battle Fantasia", le jeu de combat 2D sur le thème du RPG fantasy arrive sur PC ! Pourvu des derniers équilibrages et d'effets visuels améliorés, combattez vos ennemis et sauvez le monde du mal !
In the single-player arcade mode, finish Face off with Marco's throw.
Outside of training mode, use Urs's taunt repeatedly to enter Heat Up mode.
Outside of training mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses.
Finish off Olivia with Ashley's Steal Your Heart in single-player arcade mode.
Get a 50+ hit combo with Coyori.
In single-player arcade mode, finish off Watson with Donvalve's throw.
In single-player arcade mode, finish off a female opponent with Marco's throw.
Get a 30+ hit combo with Urs.
Get a 40+ hit combo with Watson.
Get a 20+ hit combo with Freed.
Get a 60+ hit combo with Odile and Dokurod.
In single-player arcade mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses against the End of Deathbringer.
In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Olivia's Shall We Dance?
In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Deathbringer's Final Strike.
In the single-player arcade mode, hit with Donvalve's strongest swing, Don Don Swing.
Defeat the End of Deathbringer in single-player arcade mode without Heating Up.
In single-player arcade mode, survive the Apocalypse Flame on VERY HARD.
There are hidden colors for each character.
Clear Urs's main scenario in the story mode
Clear Marco's main scenario in the story mode.
Clear Cedric's main scenario in the story mode.
Clear Ashley's main scenario in story mode.
Clear Olivia's main scenario in the story mode.
Clear Watson's main scenario in the story mode.
Clear Freed's main scenario in story mode.
Clear Donvalve's main scenario in story mode.
Clear Coyori's main scenario in story mode.
Clear Face's main scenario in the story mode
Clear Deathbringer's main scenario in story mode.
Clear Odile & Dokurod's main scenario in the story mode.
Clear arcade mode.
Clear arcade mode on the HARD difficulty setting.
Clear arcade mode on the VERY HARD difficulty setting.
Clear arcade mode with no continues.
10 consecutive wins in survival mode.
20 consecutive wins in survival mode.
30 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Clear time attack mode within 10 minutes.
Clear time attack mode within 8 minutes.
Clear time attack mode within 6 minutes.
Play a ranked match online.
Win 10 ranked matches online.
Win 30 ranked matches online.
Win 60 ranked matches online.
Unlock 25% of the gallery.
Unlock 50% of the gallery.
Unlock 75% of the gallery.
Unlock 100% of the gallery.