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Bad North: Jotunn Edition Clé Steam

Bad North: Jotunn Edition

Bad North est un roguelite tactique en temps réel sublime, mais brutal. Défendez votre royaume insulaire idyllique contre des hordes d’envahisseurs vikings et menez l’exode désespéré de votre peuple. Chaque île possède une forme unique ; ordonnez à vos loyaux sujets d’en tirer le meilleur avantag...

Windows PCApple Mac  Arcade & Indie / Stratégie
14,99€ -10% 13,49€ Retour à la boutique

11 Succès Steam

A New Home
A New Home

Complete the campaign on any difficulty

Folk Hero
Folk Hero

Complete the campaign on hard, recruit all commanders and keep them alive


Kill 1000 vikings

Bathed in Blood
Bathed in Blood

Kill 15000 vikings

Ready for Battle
Ready for Battle

Purchase an upgrade for one of your commanders

Ready for Anything
Ready for Anything

Fully upgrade one of your commanders

Cold Steel
Cold Steel

Win an island in the snow


Win an island at nighttime

Split the Party
Split the Party

Win 3 islands on a single turn

Turn Back the Tide
Turn Back the Tide

Kill all the vikings in a ship, before it reaches the shore

Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

Win 10 islands in a row, without losing a single house

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