Vous incarnez l'héroïne de ce roman visuel, dont la vie dépend de sa capacité à cacher son amnésie récente pendant que vous explorez ses relations complexes avec 5 hommes. Choisissez votre histoire d'amour pour recoller les morceaux oubliés. Écrirez-vous la grande idylle que vous méritez, ou s'ar...
Collected every trophy in the game
Cleared the Prologue
Reached the Good Ending in the Heart World
Reached the Good Ending in the Spade World
Reached the Good Ending in the Diamond World
Reached the Good Ending in the Clover World
Reached the Good Ending in the Joker World
Reached a normal ending in one of the routes
Reached a bad ending in one of the routes.
Experienced good endings in all of the routes
Experienced normal endings in all of the routes
Experienced bad endings in all of the routes
Experienced every possible ending
Unlocked Memories of Shin
Unlocked Memories of Ikki
Unlocked Memories of Toma
Unlocked Memories of Kent
Unlocked Memories of Ukyo
Unlocked Memories of every character
Won against three people in Rock-Paper-Scissors
Won against three people in Air Hockey
Won against all five people in Rock-Paper-Scissors
Won against all five people in Air Hockey
Achieved the Mini Game reward
Witnessed all of the extra stories
Listened to every still image voice