Hercule Poirot est de retour dans une toute nouvelle aventure originale, située au cœur de Londres.
Complete the Prologue
Complete Chapter 1
Complete Chapter 2
Complete Chapter 3
Complete Chapter 4
Complete Chapter 5
Complete Chapter 6
Complete Chapter 7
Complete Chapter 8
Complete Chapter 9
Visit all locations in the game
Meet all characters in the game
Ask 25 questions
Make 10 deductions
Perform 10 analyses
Crack 3 safes
Solve 5 match puzzles
Use 10 items
Work out what happened to the cigarette case
Solve all of Zakariya's artwork challenges
Find all evidence in the museum
Diffuse some arguments
Unravel Culsham's chain of events
Annoy a politician
Solve the mystery of the note
Inspect all stations of the cross
Unravel Mortimer's movements
Solve 3 mind maps
Deliver your findings
Deliver your findings, flawlessly
Uncover a secret about Anastasia
Uncover a secret about Betty
Uncover a secret about Camilla
Uncover a secret about David
Uncover a secret about Evelyn
Uncover a secret about Florence
Uncover a secret about Hastings
Uncover a secret about Horace
Uncover a secret about Irene
Uncover a secret about Johan
Uncover a secret about Marc
Uncover a secret about Mortimer
Uncover a secret about Nathaniel
Uncover a secret about Zakariya
Find a missing cat
Visit a lonely dog