Across the Grooves est un roman graphique interactif dans un univers contemporain teinté de fantastique. Vos décisions ont un impact sur le destin d'Alice et changent drastiquement sa réalité, lui permettant d’explorer des destinées alternatives en modifiant son passé.
Listen to the record for the second time with a majority of "skull" and "lightning" choices
Listen to the record for the second time with a majority of "skull" and "spiral" choices
Listen to the record for the second time with a majority of "flower" and "lightning" choices
Listen to the record for the second time with a majority of "flower" and "spiral" choices
Listen to the record for the third time with a majority of "skull" and "lightning" choices
Listen to the record for the third time with a majority of "skull" and "spiral" choices
Listen to the record for the third time with a majority of "flower" and "lightning" choices
Listen to the record for the third time with a majority of "flower" and "spiral" choices
Listen to Marc's ramblings about a certain bluesman from the Delta
Learn about Enzo's past
Learn about Eddie's youth
Listen to Arthur's lecture about Led Zeppelin
Unlock "Crossroads", "Acid Trip", "Highschool Sweetheart" and "Hey Mr. Crowley" during the same play through
Meet the bookseller in St. Ouen
Spend the evening with Frank in Paris
Meet Enzo in Paris
Have an altercation with Jakub and Alexander in Paris
Meet Didier in London
Meet Rob and Gwen in London
Decide to stay at Yard Sale Records to listen to some music
Accept to bring Alan along with you
Choose cheese before desert
Stay true to your musical tastes each time you listen to the record
Have a radical change of style and musical tastes when you listen to the record for the third time