ACE Team, développeur indépendant, présente Abyss Odyssey, un jeu d’action en défilement horizontal, de type art nouveau, proposant une machine de combat complexe avec différents niveaux permettant une infinité de combats.
Finish the prologue.
Defeat the shopkeeper.
Defeat Paganini, the Demon Violinist.
Defeat Verbum Dei.
Defeat the Living Creature.
Defeat the Warlock.
Unlock the Pincoya.
Capture a level 10 enemy.
Capture a level 25 enemy.
Capture a level 40 enemy.
Uncover the Warlock's secret.
Equip Katrien with 3 fully upgraded special attacks.
Equip the Ghost Monk with 3 fully upgraded special attacks.
Equip the Pincoya with 3 fully upgraded special attacks.
Defeat the Warlock in nightmare difficulty, "Coop Friendly Fire" must be on.
Win 5 online versus matches in one session.