Endossez le rôle d'un voleur mythique et réalisez le casse du siècle dans Abermore, un RPG à la première personne où la discrétion est la clé de la gloire et de la fortune. Vous avez 18 jours pour saccager des maisons, vendre le butin volé, acquérir de nouveaux équipements et former des alliances...
ActionComplete your first day in Abermore.
Knock out 5 people with books.
Incapacitate 5 people using grapes
Knock someone out with the magic 8 ball
Assign a collaborator for each stage of the final heist
Kill 5 characters with throwing knives
Successfully complete the Feast of the Lucky Few.
Craft 25 items.
Knock someone out with an apple.
Make over 10,000 coins by fencing items.
Sucessfully pick 5 locks.
Attempt the Feast of the Lucky Few with low risk.
Attempt the Feast of the Lucky Few with high risk.