12 is Better Than 6 est un jeu de tir à défilement vertical dynamique intégrant des éléments d'infiltration dans une thématique Far West. L’histoire se déroule en 1873 où l'anarchie et la violence régnaient dans toute l'Amérique du Nord.
Pass the tutorial
Pass the first act
Pass the second act
Pass the third act
Pass the game
Earn $10
Earn $30
Earn $50
Earn $100
Get all perks
Kill 10 enemies with a revolver
Kill 15 enemies with a revolver
Kill 40 enemies with a revolver
Kill 100 enemies with a revolver
Kill 10 enemies with a shotgun
Kill 15 enemies with a shotgun
Kill 40 enemies with a shotgun
Kill 100 enemies with a shotgun
Kill 10 enemies with a rifle
Kill 15 enemies with a rifle
Kill 40 enemies with a rifle
Kill 100 enemies with a rifle
Blow up 10 enemies with dynamite
Blow up 15 enemies with dynamite
Blow up 40 enemies with dynamite
Blow up 100 enemies with dynamite
Kill 10 enemies with a knife
Kill 15 enemies with a knife
Kill 40 enemies with a knife
Kill 100 enemies with a knife
Complete 10 repetitive tasks
Kill 10 animals
Kill 40 animals
Kill 100 animals
Kill 10 enemies with a bow
Kill 15 enemies with a bow
Kill 40 enemies with a bow
Kill 100 enemies with a bow
Break 10 bottles
Break 30 bottles
Break 70 bottles
Break 100 bottles
Skip 5 dialogs
Skip 15 dialogs
Skip 40 dialogs
Collect all hats