100 Steps est un « tower crawler » roguelite dans un style jeu de société fantastique. En quête de gloire, vous avez accepté le défi perfide des dieux : gravir la Tour. Abattez votre main, aventurier. Et surveillez vos pas.
You have reached the 10th Floor
You have reached the 20th Floor
You have reached the 30th Floor
You have reached the 40th Floor
You have reached the 50th Floor
You have reached the 60th Floor
You have reached the 70th Floor
You have reached the 80th Floor
You have reached the 90th Floor
You have reached the 100th Floor
You have broken the game
Repair an item
Upgrade a trinket to level 2
Upgrade a trinket to level 3
Defeat Orquesta
Unlock Trinkets
Unlock Library
Unlock Character Skill
Unlock Power Ups
Unlock Spikes
Unlock Step Reward
Unlock Special Chests
Unlock Notebook
Unlock Fire
Unlock Trinket Bonus
Unlock Elementary Rooms
You have entered the Tower
Defeat Orquesta with the Adventurer
Defeat Orquesta with the Assassin
Defeat Orquesta with the Hermit
Defeat Orquesta with the Coin Master
Defeat Orquesta with the Sadist
Defeat Orquesta with the Ritualist
Defeat Orquesta with the Fisher
Defeat Orquesta with the Miner
Defeat Orquesta with the Ranger
Defeat Orquesta with the Potion Master
Find all entities
Get the entire collection
Complete the entire Bestiary
Get all the characters