Explorez un RPG surnaturel peuplé d'invocateurs hauts en couleur dans un Japon cyberpunk dangereux. Il revient à Ringo, une agente d'Aion, de sauver le monde de l'apocalypse !
Obtained all achievements, and completed Soul Hackers 2 in its entirety.
Hacked Arrow's soul.
Neutralized the abnormality in the Soul Matrix.
Defeated the threat waiting in the Central Line.
Defeated the threat waiting at Ozaki Hope Towers.
Watched over Ringo and her teammates' departure.
Watched over the dawn of a new era for Aion and humanity.
Went to a Hangout Event.
Went to over 40 Hangout Events.
Completed 1 Vision Quest for all teammates.
Completed 4F of someone's Soul Matrix.
Completed 5F of someone's Soul Matrix.
Completed 3 or more requests/Aion Directives.
Completed 85 or more requests/Aion Directives.
Knocked down 10 or more enemies on the field.
Knocked down 50 or more enemies on the field.
Unlocked 4 or more Portals in dungeons.
Unlocked 70 or more Portals in dungeons.
Talked with demonic allies on recon 15 times.
Talked with demonic allies on recon 70 times.
Performed a sabbath.
Performed a sabbath with a Stack of 10 or more.
Performed 100 sabbaths or more.
Dealt over 1,000 damage to an enemy in a single hit.
Used a Commander Skill.
Used all Commander Skills.
Eliminated 4 enemies or more in a single attack.
Defeated an enemy via repelled damage.
Performed 10 or more bonus attacks.
Achieved victory over a Risky Enemy.
Achieved victory against a Rare Enemy.
Won the final battle on HARD difficulty or higher.
Upgraded a COMP at COMP Smith.
Performed 150 or more COMP upgrades at COMP Smith.
Received a gift from a demonic ally.
Received 30 or more gifts from demonic allies.
Performed a Normal Fusion.
Performed a Special Fusion.
Performed a Mitama Fusion.
Performed 30 or more fusions.
Created a Pixie with Megidolaon.
Filled the Demon Compendium's registry to 100% completion.
Bought items at all shops and vending machines.
Spent over 2,000,000 yen on shopping, COMP upgrades, fusion, and Compendium costs.
Experienced a meal.
Experienced 30 or more different meals.
Chatted with pedestrians in the city 50 times or more.